While we are waiting to gather all your proposals for our Belgian Wordwide Music Night 2022, we would like to introduce the members of the juries.
This year, we have decided to create two specific juries: one for the live acts and one for the DJs. Therefore, we have gathered people with a particularly relevant background and expertise in each of the two categories. Here they are:
Jury « live acts »
- Geneviève Bruyndonckx is manager at Contre-Jour.
- Tineke Codron is organiser for the Kokopelli festival.
- Marc Decocq is the global sound programmer at the AB.
- Birgit Ellinghaus is the director of alba KULTUR.
- Suchet Malhotra is the coordinator of the Ethno project of Jeunesses Musicales International.
- Jaïr Tchong is a music programmer at Kunstencentrum KAAP.
Jury « DJ’s »
- Rrita Jashari is both a DJ and a music programmer at Vaartkapoen.
- Stéphanie Grootaers is the coordinator of the Forest Sound Festival.
- Philippe Nullens is a DJ and percussionist, better known as the Grand Méchant Loop.
These two external juries will select the 4 live acts and 2 DJs who will participate in the showcase evening on 23 May. Save the date!