The association is managed by a Board of Directors (the ‘Board’) consisting of at least three and at most eleven directors, appointed and dismissed by the General Meeting and elected among the voting members. The members are represented on the Board by their mandatary and his/her replacement. The Board members are appointed, following a call for applications, by the General Meeting by simple majority of the votes of attending or represented members. The term of office is set for a four-year period. Departing directors can be re-elected twice. Every organization that leaves the non-profit association must terminate its mandate. If a director resigns during his/her mandate, a new director will be appointed at the following General Meeting. The new mandatary will finish the mandate of the director they are replacing. In exceptional cases, the Board can extend two directors simultaneously for a third term. During the first extension of the mandates, only a third of the directors can be replaced. The directors exercise their mandate without compensation. The costs ensued in the performance of their mission can, however, be reimbursed on submission of proof.
- MetX vzw
- Choux de Bruxelles vzw
- Muziekpublique vzw/asbl
- Chouette asbl
- Zoart asbl
- CC Brugge
- Musiques et Traditions asbl
- Zephyrus Music vzw
- Fédération des Jeunesses Musicales Wallonie-Bruxelles
- Beats’n’Roots
- ArtConnects
Every legal person with a registered office in Belgium that develops, represents and/or supports artistic creation in the world music sector can be admitted as a active member. Every prospective member must submit an application for admission to the Board by email. The application is examined by the Board, which decides by simple majority of the votes of the attending or represented members. The decision to approve or reject an application is definitive and must not be explained by the Board.
- 30 CC
- Abozame asbl
- Aclama asbl
- AMU Les Griots
- Ars Nova
- Art lines asbl
- Artra asbl
- ArtConnects
- Artsupport vzw
- Aventura Musica
- Avventura in Musica
- Beats ‘n’ Roots
- CC Brugge
- Chouette asbl
- Choux de Bruxelles vzw
- Cluster vzw
- Contre Jour
- Daniel Verheyden International
- De vrienden van Brosella vzw
- Den Hoed Muzic vzw
- D&V Music vzw
- El Antitango vzw
- Eleonor vzw
- Fédération des Jeunesses Musicales Wallonie-Bruxelles asbl
- Festival d’Art d’Huy asbl
- Fida asbl
- Fondobori
- Fragan asbl
- Full Colorz Agency
- Global Hybrid Records
- Global Riddims
- Halfmoon asbl
- Home Records
- ICTM Belgium
- Igloo Records
- Jammin Colors
- Kaladounia asbl
- Kilombo vzw
- Kokopello vzw
- Kwa ! (Jam’in Jette)
- Kwame Mulzze
- La Barraca
- La Chiva Gantiva
- La Dalle Créative
- La Ferme! asbl
- Le Ministère
- Lean
- Les Amis de Brosella asbl
- Les Temps Mêlés
- Linkwadraat vzw
- Lynn Dewitte
- Mandji
- Manifiesta
- MetX vzw
- Musika Mad in Brussels
- Musiques et Traditions
- Muziekpublique vzw/asbl
- N9 Eeklo
- Namun Music (Namun Kanda asbl)
- Nu:be asbl
- Nymm vzw
- Oreika asbl
- Point.Five
- Promanbo
- Rambi Rambo vzw
- Saad Keys Music
- Saz Ground asbl
- Scène off asbl
- Shak Shakito
- Some Music
- Sur Mesure Sur Scène asbl
- Tankono asbl
- Trad Records vzw
- Travers Emotions asbl
- Trio Indigo
- Trio Misturado
- Tsahara Productions
- Ubu sprl
- Unyoke
- Un Soir autour du Monde
- visit.brussels
- Yelkayé
- Zephyrus vzw
- Zigzag World
- Zoart asbl
Every natural or legal person, associated with the world music sector, that wishes to help the association or take part in its activities and that is not eligible for full (active or board) membership, can be admitted as an associate member. Every prospective member must submit an application for admission to the Board by email. The application is examined by the Board, which decides by simple majority of the votes of the attending or represented members. The decision to approve or reject an application is definitive and must not be explained by the Board.
- Abid Bahri
- Adrian Receanu
- Alexis Courtin
- Anton Vanderhasselt
- Antonn Kindekens
- Claire Gigot
- Clélia Belone
- Constanza Guzman
- David Mendez Yepez (Chicos y Mendez)
- Didier Mélon
- Ehsan Yadollahi
- Enrique Noviello
- Fabienne Gerkens
- Farnoosh Khodadadeh
- Gwenaelle Francotte
- Haroun Iqbal
- Hartwin Dhoore
- Hélène Sechehaye
- Héloise Bosquilon de Jenlis
- Henri Vandenberghe
- Hubert de Jambline
- Jan-Sebastiaan Degeyter
- Jan Van Rossem
- Jean Litt
- Jean-Bernard Rauzer
- Jeroen Werbrouck
- Jiraan Ensemble
- Jonas Malfliet
- Jos Lootens
- Julien de Borman
- Junio Jocol
- Kasongo Dumbu
- Kermesz à l’Est (Maxime Tirtiaux & Pasquot Kravagna)
- Klay Mawungu
- Koen Vanmeerbeek
- Laïla Amezian
- Lola Harper
- Lotte Remmen
- Luc Mishalle
- Maarten Vanhoucke
- Marieke Van Ransbeeck
- Mathias Van de Wiele
- Melanie Scheys
- Moussa Dembele
- Naragonia (Toon Van Mierlo & Pascale Rubens)
- Nicomedes Boulanger
- Pati-Pami (Robert Denies & Vanesa Diaz Gil)
- Pauline Oreins
- Pierre Malempré
- Remy Jadinon
- Renaud Dardenne
- Rik Bruwier
- Robbe Lattré
- Solia (Raquel Gigot & Marielle Vancamp)
- Sylvain Boisvert
- Thierno Niang
- Thierry Noville
- Tim Vermeulen
- Toine Thys
- Toon Verdonck
- Vanessa Gerkens
- Yannick Schyns